piątek, 6 grudnia 2019


How often are our choices planned by people who are themselves unhappy, sick, worried about their debts, unhappy in their marriages, or unhappy in their jobs? Should we let these people tell us what should we do with our lives? Impose their stories on us? Are they right about us even though they are wrong about themselves?
I don’t want to waste my time getting angry or arguing with people. Or trying to convince people they are wrong about their plans for me. None of that is fun. I just choose not to listen to them. It’s a big world. When one door shuts, ten more doors open. When one person hates me because I won’t do what he or she thinks is right, I have another seven billion people I can choose from to pick as people I want to be around.
People (including me in the past) instinctively follow what has been imposed on them by institutions, parents, colleagues, schools, culture, false anger and dreams, and on and on. But each of us is unique, and we have our own path, regardless of the paths of others. You have to find your uniqueness.
I want to do what makes me feel at peace. Even if it means sometimes saying no to everyone I love. To all of the stories they tell.
Because that’s proof that I love myself.

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