piątek, 6 grudnia 2019


But I now know three things:
1. If he doesn’t mean it the first time, he doesn’t mean it at all. Period.
2. To attract the coolest man, I had to become the coolest woman—and this is not just in love; it is in every aspect of life.
3. To become the coolest woman, I had to realize I was worth it, uncover my own creative talent, and use it.

The death I needed was to realize that I am not in control of anything, especially when it comes to relationships. I can’t control a man any more than I can control what my brother will say or do, or what my now husband will publish on Facebook (James: well, she can occasionally control that). Or what a boss will do. Or what a bank will do. And on and on, all the myths we fight for fruitlessly.
The death I needed was to say no to my relentless obsession to orchestrate every relationship.

I then addressed God and all the people present and told them that I was ready for a real relationship, one in which we would love, honor, and respect each other, one in which man and woman would be joined by a power greater than ourselves and in the service of that power.
I said I was ready for a relationship in which both parties would protect and love each other, but also protect and help the world in any way we were guided to.
I told the group that with those words I was also letting go of any attachment to results, that I was open to whatever the universe might send; I just wanted to say it out loud, to all of them, so they would be witnesses to my sending of a clear message.

Let a higher power play into our love and offer our love to it.

Group gathering
When the groundwork is done, when we ask for help, when we surround ourselves with those who will respect our time to speak up and hear what we need to share, we are let in on a huge and powerful secret: we reach God much more easily through other people’s ears.

Once you have one friend or a group of people with whom you feel safe, try it. Tell the people in front of you that you would like to ask God for something, and that even though it may sound strange, you want them to bear witness to your clear desire to manifest something in your life. Tell them you have chosen them because you know you can trust them.
Then say it out loud: “I am ready for this (say what you want). I want to manifest it in my life, and my friend is a witness that I am inviting this energy in. Thank you.”
Thank your friend(s) or support group for participating in your ritual. Let it go. Be present. Witness the circumstances of your life as they develop over the next few weeks. Open yourself to life and see what happens.
Surrender to the words you said. They are out there now, bringing opportunities to you. Say yes to those opportunities because now you are ready.

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