sobota, 7 grudnia 2019


Surrender is something else. If you’ve reached this point, if you’ve said no to all the things you are entitled to say no to, you are ready to surrender.
But not before then.
Surrender means:
You are eating well.
You are sleeping well.
You are taking care of your body.
You are saying no to the foods and drinks and activities that can harm you.
You are saying no to the people who are trying to bring you down.
You are saying no to the stories that people have tried to force you into. You are not marching in the army; you are your own person.
You are saying no to the lies that keep the stories going.
You are saying no to the offers and opportunities that might be second best. You are searching deeply for the real Yes in the opportunities that come to you.
You are saying no to the noise. Finding the silence that is between every word, that is between every breath of air.
All of this allows your creativity to roam free. Your spirit to relax. Your brain to breathe a sigh of relief. Your body to have more energy than ever.
So much relief!

Now …
To whom?
To you.
To the higher part of you.
To the “you” that is wise and knows better.
Do it.
Say yes.
To you.

Our brains don’t care if we are happy. There is only one mission for the brain: replicate the DNA.
When DNA doesn’t replicate, a species becomes extinct. That’s failure. When DNA replicates, a species thrives. That’s success.
And that’s all the brain knows. So we have to get the brain out of the way. We have to trick it or hypnotize it.

Because the pure energy knows what to do, if you trust it.

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