piątek, 9 marca 2018

Berlin from workers perspective

Here is a list of all paid jobs I ever did in Berlin:
  1. Tour guide
  2. Translator
  3. Paleo restaurant chef assistant
  4. Jazz band promoter
  5. Video editor
  6. Film producer
  7. Graphic designer
  8. Journalist
  9. Junior animator
  10. Photographer
  11. Blogger
  12. Online marking intern
  13. Public speaker, leading the initiative Berlin Internship Justice
  14. Event Management
  15. Extra in feature films and TV series
  16. Photo model
  17. Actress
  18. Cleaner
  19. Professional bottle collector

  1. You run your own business, and you earn enough to live in prosperity.
  2. You are a freelancer, who is lucky to have clients who pay enough to live in prosperity.
  3. You do a simple job (example: bartender, sale’s person, call centre) and you are happy with €700 – €1000 a month, because you do not care about the career
Berlin is a city of change, Berlin won’t be poor forever. The business centres are being built, the clubs and graffiti being removed, even the Wall leftovers.. More than half of my friends have left Berlin, and a few are planning to move out soon. This blog post is also written for those who plan to move here. My advice is – know exactly what you want from the city. If it is just a year for the experience sake – it is a great place, if you think “career” and “family” – this is a sad place. Not being able to pay for the dentist is sad, not being able to fly for a holiday is sad. Berlin is sad during the day and fun during the night.


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