czwartek, 22 marca 2018
"What are the general trends in evolutionary life?" And there are things moving towards greater complexity,moving towards greater diversity, moving towards greater specialization, sentience, ubiquity, and most important, evolvability. Those very same things are also present in technology. That's where technology is going.
środa, 21 marca 2018
wtorek, 20 marca 2018
poniedziałek, 19 marca 2018
. „Kiedy człowiek stoi na przepaścią, jest bezbronny, wtedy można naprawdę głęboko sięgnąć, jest wtedy szansa, że dotknę najistotniejszych, najbardziej prawdziwych rzeczy w człowieku, dlatego decyduję się na opowiadanie o ludziach złamanych (…) Lubię bohaterów, którzy są nad przepaścią, żeby widz zdecydował, czy oni skoczą, czy ich wciągnie”.
niedziela, 18 marca 2018
Problem z kapitalizmem
“Kompleksową teorię wzajemności przedstawił w latach siedemdziesiątych Marshall Sahlins (Sahlins 2003; Gregory 2009). Wyróżnił on trzy podstawowe rodzaje wzajemności: (1) wzajemność uogólnioną (solidarność), (2) wzajemność zrównoważoną oraz (3) wzajemność negatywną. Z pierwszym rodzajem wzajemności mamy do czynienia na przykład wtedy, gdy kupujemy komuś kawę i nie oczekujemy, że obdarowany kupi nam ciastko. Co więcej, w wypadku wzajemności uogólnionej taki natychmiastowy dar zwrotny mógłby być odebrany jako niechęć do wejścia w relację, ponieważ kupując komuś kawę, liczymy na to, że dar zostanie odwzajemniony w przyszłości. Przykładem drugiego rodzaju wzajemności są prezenty na Boże Narodzenie – kupujemy prezenty członkom rodziny w nadziei, że również je od nich otrzymamy. Wzajemność jest natychmiastowa, a jej brak może być postrzegany jako brak troski ze strony bliskich. Wreszcie z wzajemnością negatywną mamy do czynienia na przykład w sytuacji, gdy nasz sąsiad wyprowadza się za granicę i musi szybko sprzedać samochód wart dwadzieścia tysięcy złotych, a my − korzystając z jego trudnej sytuacji − kupujemy go za dziesięć tysięcy. To właśnie wzajemność negatywna jest podstawową zasadą wolnego rynku. Oczywiście w wielu sytuacjach jest ona potrzebna. W końcu nasz sąsiad zyskał dziesięć tysięcy za niepotrzebny mu już samochód. Podstawowym problemem obecnego systemu gospodarczego jest jednak dominacja wzajemności negatywnej, a zatem logiki rynkowej, która w dłuższej perspektywie prowadzi do redukcji relacji międzyludzkich.”
sobota, 17 marca 2018
Przedsiębiorczość- walk by sight, not by faith, graduall accoplischments
Najważniejsze, co musisz zrobić dobrze na początku, to otoczyć się dwoma lub trzema wyjątkowymi ludźmi

Nasze nowe biuro było bezpieczne i wygodne — nie byłem do tego przyzwyczajony. Miałem luksusowy prywatny gabinet i pewnie myślicie, że czułem się w nim wspaniale, ale tak nie było. Robiłem się wygodny i traciłem motywację. To poczucie rebelii, które napędza założycieli do robienia wielkich rzeczy — gdzieś uciekało.
Rozmyślanie - kiedyś spędzałem na tym dużo czasu. Przez chwilę czujesz się dobrze — wyobrażając sobie „udaną” wersję samego siebie. Po prostu tego nie rób.
Motywacja to nic innego, jak zestaw emocji, które ułatwiają działanie. Nie możesz oczekiwać szczęścia, jeśli nie robisz w życiu niczego pozytywnego.
Musisz pokazać się z najtwardszej strony w najgorszych chwilach, stwarzać pozory, że wiesz co robisz i w jakim kierunku zmierzasz. Jest to cholernie męczące. Przez lata brałem masę leków i doświadczyłem kilku załamań nerwowych.
zrób albo zgiń. To czas, kiedy szybko się uczysz i który określa jakiego kalibru przedsiębiorcą jesteś.
zrób albo zgiń
Nasze nowe biuro było bezpieczne i wygodne — nie byłem do tego przyzwyczajony. Miałem luksusowy prywatny gabinet i pewnie myślicie, że czułem się w nim wspaniale, ale tak nie było. Robiłem się wygodny i traciłem motywację. To poczucie rebelii, które napędza założycieli do robienia wielkich rzeczy — gdzieś uciekało.
Rozmyślanie - kiedyś spędzałem na tym dużo czasu. Przez chwilę czujesz się dobrze — wyobrażając sobie „udaną” wersję samego siebie. Po prostu tego nie rób.
Motywacja to nic innego, jak zestaw emocji, które ułatwiają działanie. Nie możesz oczekiwać szczęścia, jeśli nie robisz w życiu niczego pozytywnego.
Musisz pokazać się z najtwardszej strony w najgorszych chwilach, stwarzać pozory, że wiesz co robisz i w jakim kierunku zmierzasz. Jest to cholernie męczące. Przez lata brałem masę leków i doświadczyłem kilku załamań nerwowych.
zrób albo zgiń. To czas, kiedy szybko się uczysz i który określa jakiego kalibru przedsiębiorcą jesteś.
zrób albo zgiń
czwartek, 15 marca 2018
Writing a blog's posts
Creating Compelling Content: The foundation of a good article. There’s really only one essential ingredient to a killer blog post. That’s obsession. When an artist bleeds on the page, you will echo the emotions they felt living it. When they give their all, you feel the words resonate in you long after you’ve finished reading. We have mirror neurons for a reason: they make human connection easier. The world is already too full of garbage articles telling you how to sleep right, or how to do pushups. No one cares. Words are not just words. Words have the capacity to touch, to inspire, to fulfill. Words have the power to change lives. Words have the power to bring out what is most important in you and make it ring clearly like a bell.
You’ve all heard the Picasso quote: Good artists copy, great artists steal. But what he left out is this: Elite artists borrow from unexpected sources. I draw inspiration from different places. Some books, some movies, some songs. But you’ll never guess which. Why? I keep my sources a secret. If I read the same stuff you read, listened to the same music you do, you’d easily guess where the inspiration for B&D comes from. It’d lose some of the “magic”. But because I keep my sources closed, everything seems new and fresh
In fact most stories we see are non-obvious, and they star the most unlikely hero – you. Nearly all of my articles tell a story to you, the reader, and you are the hero. Since you’re the natural hero of your own story, it’s no wonder that these kinds of stories tend to resonate. I like to keep myself out of the picture.
Principle 4: Write fast When you sit down to write, do it fast. The reasons many writers struggle while developing their writing habits are: 1. They get distracted. 2. They edit as they go. To solve the first problem, turn off your internet. Either unplug your router, install StayFocusd for Chrome. Just ensure that you can’t access the internet when you write if you know you’ll get distracted. To solve the second problem, write really fast. It’s usually easier to write a whole post in one go and then edit it later. When you stop to make edits as you go, you’ll be using two different parts of your brain at the same time. You’ll be splitting your mind up – a clear recipe for failure. Instead try separating your production and your editing times. That way you can get a post to 70% complete, noting everything you want to talk about, and then come back later to polish. If you do this, your writing will flow much more smoothly, because it will follow the natural rhythms of your brain.
5 Editing
You might feel like you’re 90% done. The truth is, you’re about 60% done. But don’t let that discourage you. Making Edits: Cleaning Up Your Writing Editing your work is the most profitable and most important of the “polishing” steps
6.Keeps the fortress of his blog secure and stylish. He runs ads on his own site only for his own products. Meanwhile, he creates ads to run on other people’s blogs who don’t care enough about their own real estate to mind his encroachment. His empire grows and prospers
BASIC EDITING RULES Find the places that don’t flow, and rearrange, or delete them. 2. Read your work out loud. Where your energy drops in the presentation, or where you trip over your words, is a passage that needs some work. 3. For longer posts or books: Print it out, and go over it with a pen.
6 spiderweb
interlinking your content. Whenever you write a new post you should include links to older posts so that a reader is sucked into your spiderweb no matter what post they land on first. Luckily, WordPress now has a feature where you can easily add links to old posts without knowing the URLs.
7 See, if you want to experience massive success and create raving fans you’re going to need to get them addicted to you. You want to become the steady stream of content they can’t live without.
8.Network Strategy #1. Comment on other blogs. Drill this in your head. You are no longer just a reader. You are a person with an opinion. You are a person whose voice counts. So when you read other’s blogs, as I know you do, leave a comment. Doesn’t matter how short or long it is, as long as it’s honest.
9.Keep it at your level (The Trading Up Strategy) You think Tim Ferriss is going to read and respond to your silly little comment, out of hundreds he gets every day? Not likely. 41 SPARTAN ENTREPRENEUR The Blog Artist’s Handbook Talk to guys at your level, and slightly above it.
10. Join a forum. Why join a forum? I’ve said it before, most forums are for losers. Most forums are designed for losers to complain in the presence of their fellow losers. But they do serve one very excellent purpose: They are traffic hubs where a large number of people already gather and read what is written. If you start a thread, write a compelling headline, and offer some real insight or value, you’ll have hundreds of eyes on it within hours. Probably not the case for your fledgling blog. Now you might say, “But if I take the time to write something good for a forum, isn’t that taking away from the time I spend writing for my blog?” Yes, but there’s a very good reason for it. Refining and developing ideas in a public space, especially one with no consequences (a forum) is a powerful way of improving your skill as a writer. • You’ll learn to handle haters at a fast rate. • You’ll learn how to write headlines that quickly become popular. • You’ll learn how to create controversy and create a movement about more than just yourself. • You’ll learn what potential allies and comrades you’ve never met think. • AND if you write well, you’ll end up with a steady stream of traffic from that forum, even if you don’t post very often. The tricky thing, of course, is finding a forum that’s not full of losers. Again, the SEO benefit of this is minimal at best
Network Strategy #3. Send cold emails. Since you’ve built your list of potential allies this next step should not be hard. Don’t you want to meet the people that talk to you, talk like you, and think you’re great? Of course. Here’s the first way to deepen the relationship. Rather than just leave a comment at their blog, send them a hand-typed email. If you can’t find a contact page, leave. You’re dealing with an amateur. Every pro blogger is not writing into the void. They’re writing for discussion. 43 SPARTAN ENTREPRENEUR The Blog Artist’s Handbook So send them an email. And never ask for anything in the first email. Just say hello. Say you like what they do. Ask a pointed, simple question if you want (that they have not answered already and that doesn’t require an extensive backstory to explain). And if you want, make an offer, not an ask. Example: “Here’s another post I read by (another blogger) that really adds to what you said about X. I think you might enjoy it.” Notice how you’re offering them something interesting, and not making a demand. You’re not taking anything from them. You’re not asking them a favor. You’re not asking them to link to you, or partner with you, or anything. You’re giving them the present. That’s all you need to do.
4. ask if you can get them on skype to discusse your common interests
5.MINDSET: Ask for what you want If you want people to give you money – say so. If you want people to sign up to your email list – say so. If you want people to share your posts on Twitter – say so. If you want people to reply to your questions – say so. Asking for what you want is the first step to getting it. Actually it’s the second…The first step is admitting what you want.
6. get them on the email
First, you’ll need a provider. You can pick from any of the big names, they’ll all work fine. • Mailchimp • Aweber • GetResponse I personally use Mailchimp, but any of them work.
7.Dealing with Trolls As you start blogging you’ll start to get comments from haters. You can take the option to approve them, showing that you’re a fairminded individual… But I’d highly recommend just hitting delete. Bold & Determined is a blog that creates a positive atmosphere for my visitors. When you come visit, you know you’ll be inspired, driven, and ready to take action. That’s why people that bring hate and vitriol are not welcome. Deal with internet haters ruthlessly and your life will be much easier.
8.Keeps the fortress of his blog secure and stylish. He runs ads on his own site only for his own products. Meanwhile, he creates ads to run on other people’s blogs who don’t care enough about their own real estate to mind his encroachment. His empire grows and prospers
9.Design your own You should definitely have ads for one thing – your own products. That way you can pick the designer, you pick where the ad should go, and you collect 100% of the profits. That’s my way of business, and it has worked very well. Ever notice how great the ads on B&D look? That’s because I hired a pro to design them, and they’re for products I believe in. 52 SPARTAN ENTREPRENEUR The Blog Artist’s Handbook They don’t look out of place, they look like they belong. They’re integrated with the whole website design
10. ADvertise on others blogs if blogs Has medium readership • Runs ads • Has reasonable rates Go for it. You can design your own ad, and begin to place outposts in enemy territory. You should only really do this if you already have your own product, or some way of making back the money.
You’ve got to develop a love relationship with money. Make money your bitch. It’s frankly very simple to make money from your blog
All of my posts either: Build my authority or… Make money directly for me 53 SPARTAN ENTREPRENEUR The Blog Artist’s Handbook The only people who make any real money are those who are authority figures.
You’ll notice that all my blog posts sell something (The Sales Letter) This isn’t an accident. But notice one other thing. I never push you to buy
AFFILIATES Go to and sign up to the Bold & Determined affiliate program. This costs you nothing and will take only 2 minutes. Do it now even if you don’t plan on recommending B&D products. You need the practice. Next, write a review of this very site or a B&D product. Do you like it? Is it helpful to you? How could it be better? Finally, post a review on your blog. That’s it. 56 SPARTAN ENTREPRENEUR The Blog Artist’s Handbook Now whenever someone reads your review, clicks over to and picks up a book, you get paid. Very simple. The B&D affiliate program pays out 75% commissions on sales of Body of a Spartan and 30 Days of Discipline. Even guys with very modest traffic make $20-100 a month recommending my products – months after they’ve written a review. They write it once, and it’s done, bringing in money month after month.
Matter of fact, it’s very easy. You just make the thing, and you sell it. Give people what they want and they will pay you. Do it sooner, rather than later. I would recommend offering something for sale as soon as you possibly can. Even something small. The great thing about this is that you don’t need to be comprehensive. (In fact, that’s one very easy trap to fall in). Instead, offer one very specific solution, to a very specific problem.
Find a provider of the product you want to sell. If you need ideas go to a trade show. • Ask if they can sell your product “white label/private label”, meaning that you can sell the product with no branding but your own. • Get set up with a shipping/fulfillment company. • Make your first orders, and send them directly to the shipping/fulfillment company. • Profit. earn it
You’ve all heard the Picasso quote: Good artists copy, great artists steal. But what he left out is this: Elite artists borrow from unexpected sources. I draw inspiration from different places. Some books, some movies, some songs. But you’ll never guess which. Why? I keep my sources a secret. If I read the same stuff you read, listened to the same music you do, you’d easily guess where the inspiration for B&D comes from. It’d lose some of the “magic”. But because I keep my sources closed, everything seems new and fresh
In fact most stories we see are non-obvious, and they star the most unlikely hero – you. Nearly all of my articles tell a story to you, the reader, and you are the hero. Since you’re the natural hero of your own story, it’s no wonder that these kinds of stories tend to resonate. I like to keep myself out of the picture.
Principle 4: Write fast When you sit down to write, do it fast. The reasons many writers struggle while developing their writing habits are: 1. They get distracted. 2. They edit as they go. To solve the first problem, turn off your internet. Either unplug your router, install StayFocusd for Chrome. Just ensure that you can’t access the internet when you write if you know you’ll get distracted. To solve the second problem, write really fast. It’s usually easier to write a whole post in one go and then edit it later. When you stop to make edits as you go, you’ll be using two different parts of your brain at the same time. You’ll be splitting your mind up – a clear recipe for failure. Instead try separating your production and your editing times. That way you can get a post to 70% complete, noting everything you want to talk about, and then come back later to polish. If you do this, your writing will flow much more smoothly, because it will follow the natural rhythms of your brain.
5 Editing
You might feel like you’re 90% done. The truth is, you’re about 60% done. But don’t let that discourage you. Making Edits: Cleaning Up Your Writing Editing your work is the most profitable and most important of the “polishing” steps
6.Keeps the fortress of his blog secure and stylish. He runs ads on his own site only for his own products. Meanwhile, he creates ads to run on other people’s blogs who don’t care enough about their own real estate to mind his encroachment. His empire grows and prospers
BASIC EDITING RULES Find the places that don’t flow, and rearrange, or delete them. 2. Read your work out loud. Where your energy drops in the presentation, or where you trip over your words, is a passage that needs some work. 3. For longer posts or books: Print it out, and go over it with a pen.
6 spiderweb
interlinking your content. Whenever you write a new post you should include links to older posts so that a reader is sucked into your spiderweb no matter what post they land on first. Luckily, WordPress now has a feature where you can easily add links to old posts without knowing the URLs.
7 See, if you want to experience massive success and create raving fans you’re going to need to get them addicted to you. You want to become the steady stream of content they can’t live without.
8.Network Strategy #1. Comment on other blogs. Drill this in your head. You are no longer just a reader. You are a person with an opinion. You are a person whose voice counts. So when you read other’s blogs, as I know you do, leave a comment. Doesn’t matter how short or long it is, as long as it’s honest.
9.Keep it at your level (The Trading Up Strategy) You think Tim Ferriss is going to read and respond to your silly little comment, out of hundreds he gets every day? Not likely. 41 SPARTAN ENTREPRENEUR The Blog Artist’s Handbook Talk to guys at your level, and slightly above it.
10. Join a forum. Why join a forum? I’ve said it before, most forums are for losers. Most forums are designed for losers to complain in the presence of their fellow losers. But they do serve one very excellent purpose: They are traffic hubs where a large number of people already gather and read what is written. If you start a thread, write a compelling headline, and offer some real insight or value, you’ll have hundreds of eyes on it within hours. Probably not the case for your fledgling blog. Now you might say, “But if I take the time to write something good for a forum, isn’t that taking away from the time I spend writing for my blog?” Yes, but there’s a very good reason for it. Refining and developing ideas in a public space, especially one with no consequences (a forum) is a powerful way of improving your skill as a writer. • You’ll learn to handle haters at a fast rate. • You’ll learn how to write headlines that quickly become popular. • You’ll learn how to create controversy and create a movement about more than just yourself. • You’ll learn what potential allies and comrades you’ve never met think. • AND if you write well, you’ll end up with a steady stream of traffic from that forum, even if you don’t post very often. The tricky thing, of course, is finding a forum that’s not full of losers. Again, the SEO benefit of this is minimal at best
Network Strategy #3. Send cold emails. Since you’ve built your list of potential allies this next step should not be hard. Don’t you want to meet the people that talk to you, talk like you, and think you’re great? Of course. Here’s the first way to deepen the relationship. Rather than just leave a comment at their blog, send them a hand-typed email. If you can’t find a contact page, leave. You’re dealing with an amateur. Every pro blogger is not writing into the void. They’re writing for discussion. 43 SPARTAN ENTREPRENEUR The Blog Artist’s Handbook So send them an email. And never ask for anything in the first email. Just say hello. Say you like what they do. Ask a pointed, simple question if you want (that they have not answered already and that doesn’t require an extensive backstory to explain). And if you want, make an offer, not an ask. Example: “Here’s another post I read by (another blogger) that really adds to what you said about X. I think you might enjoy it.” Notice how you’re offering them something interesting, and not making a demand. You’re not taking anything from them. You’re not asking them a favor. You’re not asking them to link to you, or partner with you, or anything. You’re giving them the present. That’s all you need to do.
4. ask if you can get them on skype to discusse your common interests
5.MINDSET: Ask for what you want If you want people to give you money – say so. If you want people to sign up to your email list – say so. If you want people to share your posts on Twitter – say so. If you want people to reply to your questions – say so. Asking for what you want is the first step to getting it. Actually it’s the second…The first step is admitting what you want.
6. get them on the email
First, you’ll need a provider. You can pick from any of the big names, they’ll all work fine. • Mailchimp • Aweber • GetResponse I personally use Mailchimp, but any of them work.
7.Dealing with Trolls As you start blogging you’ll start to get comments from haters. You can take the option to approve them, showing that you’re a fairminded individual… But I’d highly recommend just hitting delete. Bold & Determined is a blog that creates a positive atmosphere for my visitors. When you come visit, you know you’ll be inspired, driven, and ready to take action. That’s why people that bring hate and vitriol are not welcome. Deal with internet haters ruthlessly and your life will be much easier.
8.Keeps the fortress of his blog secure and stylish. He runs ads on his own site only for his own products. Meanwhile, he creates ads to run on other people’s blogs who don’t care enough about their own real estate to mind his encroachment. His empire grows and prospers
9.Design your own You should definitely have ads for one thing – your own products. That way you can pick the designer, you pick where the ad should go, and you collect 100% of the profits. That’s my way of business, and it has worked very well. Ever notice how great the ads on B&D look? That’s because I hired a pro to design them, and they’re for products I believe in. 52 SPARTAN ENTREPRENEUR The Blog Artist’s Handbook They don’t look out of place, they look like they belong. They’re integrated with the whole website design
10. ADvertise on others blogs if blogs Has medium readership • Runs ads • Has reasonable rates Go for it. You can design your own ad, and begin to place outposts in enemy territory. You should only really do this if you already have your own product, or some way of making back the money.
You’ve got to develop a love relationship with money. Make money your bitch. It’s frankly very simple to make money from your blog
All of my posts either: Build my authority or… Make money directly for me 53 SPARTAN ENTREPRENEUR The Blog Artist’s Handbook The only people who make any real money are those who are authority figures.
You’ll notice that all my blog posts sell something (The Sales Letter) This isn’t an accident. But notice one other thing. I never push you to buy
AFFILIATES Go to and sign up to the Bold & Determined affiliate program. This costs you nothing and will take only 2 minutes. Do it now even if you don’t plan on recommending B&D products. You need the practice. Next, write a review of this very site or a B&D product. Do you like it? Is it helpful to you? How could it be better? Finally, post a review on your blog. That’s it. 56 SPARTAN ENTREPRENEUR The Blog Artist’s Handbook Now whenever someone reads your review, clicks over to and picks up a book, you get paid. Very simple. The B&D affiliate program pays out 75% commissions on sales of Body of a Spartan and 30 Days of Discipline. Even guys with very modest traffic make $20-100 a month recommending my products – months after they’ve written a review. They write it once, and it’s done, bringing in money month after month.
Matter of fact, it’s very easy. You just make the thing, and you sell it. Give people what they want and they will pay you. Do it sooner, rather than later. I would recommend offering something for sale as soon as you possibly can. Even something small. The great thing about this is that you don’t need to be comprehensive. (In fact, that’s one very easy trap to fall in). Instead, offer one very specific solution, to a very specific problem.
Find a provider of the product you want to sell. If you need ideas go to a trade show. • Ask if they can sell your product “white label/private label”, meaning that you can sell the product with no branding but your own. • Get set up with a shipping/fulfillment company. • Make your first orders, and send them directly to the shipping/fulfillment company. • Profit. earn it
Blog theme: Getting lost and finding oneself
Widzi pan, ja jestem taki pasażer co to siedzi na krześle; krzesło stoi na pace; paka leży na workach; worki na wozie; wóz na statku; statek na wodzie. Ale gdzie jest grunt i jaki jest ten grunt, nie wiadomo.
How to get lost spirituality- sober
how to get lost -poison
How to get lost spirituality- sober
how to get lost -poison
Always life always
You’ll quickly realize that ideas come from everywhere.
They come from the supermarket, from the subway, from travel.
In fact, you’ll quickly realize that the best ideas you’ll ever have come from the most unlikely
sources. Not from reading other blogs, but from living life and getting into adventures.
The best source is always life.
MINDSET: The business of YOU
wtorek, 13 marca 2018
niedziela, 11 marca 2018
piątek, 9 marca 2018
Berlin from workers perspective
Here is a list of all paid jobs I ever did in Berlin:
- Tour guide
- Translator
- Paleo restaurant chef assistant
- Jazz band promoter
- Video editor
- Film producer
- Graphic designer
- Journalist
- Junior animator
- Photographer
- Blogger
- Online marking intern
- Public speaker, leading the initiative Berlin Internship Justice
- Event Management
- Extra in feature films and TV series
- Photo model
- Actress
- Cleaner
- Professional bottle collector
- You run your own business, and you earn enough to live in prosperity.
- You are a freelancer, who is lucky to have clients who pay enough to live in prosperity.
- You do a simple job (example: bartender, sale’s person, call centre) and you are happy with €700 – €1000 a month, because you do not care about the career
Berlin is a city of change, Berlin won’t be poor forever. The business centres are being built, the clubs and graffiti being removed, even the Wall leftovers.. More than half of my friends have left Berlin, and a few are planning to move out soon. This blog post is also written for those who plan to move here. My advice is – know exactly what you want from the city. If it is just a year for the experience sake – it is a great place, if you think “career” and “family” – this is a sad place. Not being able to pay for the dentist is sad, not being able to fly for a holiday is sad. Berlin is sad during the day and fun during the night.
czwartek, 8 marca 2018
Posty (Atom)