sobota, 22 lipca 2017

Life hacking

Stephen King wrote Carrie on a makeshift desk set between a washing machine and a dryer. He wrote while his kid cried and his wife banged pots in the nearby kitchen as she prepared dinner.
This should tell you everything you need to know about the requirements of creativity.
Studies come out and tell you that you need to paint your walls a certain color. That you need to sit down at the same place every day (or a different place every day). That you need this or that. Always contradicting, never taking you into consideration.
These studies are concerned with some measurement on some group of people in some study you weren’t involved in.
If you look at the daily rituals of 100 different creative people you’ll find 100 different things that work. For them.
If you know that you must create, then you will. If you feel like you should create, then you’ll find an excuse not to.
When you must create then you have no choice but to find the best environment and ritual for you. These personal environmental hacks are just that: personal.
You must earn the right to hack your creativity. There is no book that can do it for you. No secret method. Just you, honesty, and an aim.

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