wtorek, 11 lipca 2017

John Maus on his likes

We just end up saying what is and not saying what's not yet, we just go on talking, idly. Here again, I hate this language, I hate this way of putting it, but on the spot it'll have to suffice - we just kind of say what immediately comes to mind, and we put it up there, and like that - and we don't end up saying anything at all. We don't end up giving, for lack of a better way of putting it, anything about what we are, or what we could potentially become at all, we just kind of end up perpetuating what is. Which isn't to say that the immediate spontaneous automatic writing can't say anything, but usually we should maybe take a moment to look at the immediate automatic spontaneous thing and look at it carefully before sharing it with others, perhaps maybe to be certain and to wager it does.

You know that Badiou quote, he says that all art and all thought is ruined when we accept the situation's imperative to consume, communicate and enjoy.

I agree with the idea that we should work to give ourselves, and try to be as certain as we can, even perhaps to a pitiless degree, so that we're truly giving something else than what already was. Because what already is, babies on fire and shit like that, whole continents dying of disease and everything that we all know, when we all know it's bad. So maybe if we want something different from that it's something we need to struggle pitilessly for, as opposed to consuming, communicating, and enjoying.

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