sobota, 7 marca 2020


"You’re going to get to be entrepreneurial in this company and the day the
you’re ready to go start your own next thing I’m going to support you. I’m never going
to get in the way of you starting a company. But this can be a good place for you to
learn how to build a good team and build a good culture, how to find product-market
fit to perfect your skills and meet some amazing people while you figure out exactly
what it is you’re going to do, because positioning, timing, deliberation, are very
important when starting a company."

Should you go for venture capital money?
First build a product, then get a customer, then get friends and family money (or money from revenues which is cheapest of all) and then think about raising money, But only then. Don’t be an amateur.

Craig Newmark emailed his friends every day about events happening in San Francisco.
They would share his emails. Soon he was sending thousands of people emails.
Only THEN did he build a website (Craigslist). When he knew there was demand. Now it’s worth billions.

What’s the best thing do for a new client?
Overdeliver for the first 100 days

If an acquirer asks me why I want to sell, what should I say?
That you feel it would be easier for you to grow in the context of a bigger company that has experienced the growing pains you are just starting to go through. That 1 + 1 = 45.

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