poniedziałek, 22 kwietnia 2019

Third Chakra power

- Overcome lethargy by making a list of ten things you would like to accomplish, and dedicate yourself to completing those things.
- Writing Exercise. Grab your journal and answer these questions for greater awareness and clarity of purpose.
On a scale of 1–10 (1 being the lowest) how powerful do I feel right now?
In which area(s) of my life am I lacking personal power? In what way? (Think to health, home, career and relationships.)

Where do I want to be in 3–6 month’s time with regard to this/these area(s) of my life? 

What 3 simple action steps can I begin to implement and schedule into the next 3 weeks that move these goals forward?

What is my long-term overall vision? (Either in 5 years time or more.) What is the purpose behind this vision?
What is next right thing I can do to align with this vision and feeling of purpose?
- Play to your strengths and trust your gut instincts.
- Step out of your comfort zone!
Do the activity that you have been most putting off, like running, but it doesn’t have to be a sport.

·                   3. Explore the biggest sources of resistance in your life

·         - What are you constantly fighting against? What are you afraid of? What issues keep coming back in your life? When you ask these questions and discover the answer, you’ll uncover the greatest source of energy loss in your life. The next step is to learn how to preserve your energy and stop the resistance. Ask yourself, “What must I understand, love or let go of that will free up my energy?” Often, those with blocked solar plexus chakras tend to invest huge amounts of energy towards fighting, avoiding or suppressing something.
Try releasing your anger in a healthy way such as through vigorous exercise, punching, kickboxing, dancing, singing, writing, crying or expressing it through art.

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