poniedziałek, 24 lutego 2020

Otwartość / Openess

Po moim wstydliwym bardzo pobycie na beforze u Pawła, zadzwoniłam do niego pytając co mam zrobić z ta moja potrzebą otwartości i rozmawiania o negatywnych, traumatycznych, smutnych chwilach?

Paweł odziwo powiedział, że to jest bardzo dobre i ludzkie, ale powinnam to

czyli np. Daniel na fenibucie ab und zu, ale bardzo dobrze mu idzie w stomatologii
ja w korporacji, ale kasa taka, że w końcu odkładam.

You cannot be eternally open and

Let’s say you’re a meditation instructor. Your student arrives for a meeting, and because you’re very open and in tune, something magical happens. There’s some real communication between the two of you, and you can see that something has helped, something has gotten through and connected with her own heart. She leaves and you feel great—“Wow! I did that wonderful thing. I could feel it.” The next person comes in and you forget about the freshness because you’re feeling so good about what you just did. He sits down and talks to you and you come out with the same answers that you just gave the last person. But that just leaves this new person cold; he couldn’t care less. You have the humbling experience of realizing that there’s never just one solution to a problem. Helping yourself or someone else has to do with opening and just being there; that’s how something happens between people. But it’s a continuous process. That’s how you learn. You can’t open just once.

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