środa, 23 października 2019


Sexuality is a sacred ritual of union through the celebration of difference. Polarity means you and your partner mirror each other on the masculine/feminine spectrum. When you are playing the role of Shiva, your lover plays Shakti. If we go with David Deida’s river analogy, Shiva guides, leads and directs a space in which Shakti is able to flow freely. Shakti can deeply and fully express power, creativity and whatever authentic expression comes in the moment.

Lovemaking is one of the most potent forms of energetic connection, a powerful springboard to unite the Yin and Yang energies. With some trust and surrender, both essential components of Tantra, we can start to merge in love with our partner, uniting the energies of Shiva and Shakti in states of blissful meditation and spontaneous heart awakening.
“Whether homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual, in any given moment, one partner must be more like the water and one partner more like the riverbank or else the flow of sexual energy will become shallow and dry up. It is important that every person understand and be willing to embrace the fullness of both masculine “directive” and feminine “flowing” forces without denigrating or shying away from either.” – David Deida, Finding God through Sex

I’ve personally always found this very fluid with my female partners. Sometimes she wears the pants and I follow her lead. Sometimes I bring the rope and she willingly submits. It can change spontaneously during a lovemaking session, so the longer the better.

When two complete beings meet in trust and harmony, we unleash the power of synergy – the world in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Instead of finding our “other half” and becoming whole, we bring two wholes together. Like two pieces of nuclear fuel combining to reach critical mass, we fuse together and access the cosmic alchemy by which we become, for a while, something more than merely human.

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