piątek, 6 kwietnia 2018

Tao and homosexuality

What goes with or against the Tao has nothing to do with the gender of your life partner. It has everything to do with our natural wish to manifest our highest, most loving and kindest selves.

“If I put a group of heterosexual people on an island, they will multiply and be fruitful. If I put I put a group of homosexuals there instead, they will die out. So which group is with the Tao and which is against? Isn’t it obvious?”

the Tao itself does not judge or condemn. The Tao is not human, nor is it a human-like deity, so it can never pass harsh judgements the way that some people do. It is more like natural laws that function without emotional attachments.

consider the basic truth that the spiritual is far greater than the biological for human beings. One simple example of this is the love between adoptive parents and adopted children. That love is just as real and powerful as anything else. The lack of a direct biological connection between them makes absolutely no difference at all.

The core point is that any relationship that succeeds has a healthy balance of energies. Too much aggression and partners will clash, unable to come to admirable conclusions to their conflicts. Too much passiveness and partners will become co-dependent, afraid to confront the other for fear of losing them. It is logically sound, then, to conclude that homosexual couples are no more prone to dysfunction than heterosexual couples. We know this because we know everyone has differing mixes of yin and yang. In fact, assigning yang to men and yin to women is merely gender conditioning at work.

One of the best measures I have found for discerning the depth of someone’s spirituality is their ability to laugh


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