wtorek, 17 kwietnia 2018

O Najlepszym sportowcu

Trenować nie trenował
Czasami na ring po prostu wchodził
Z ulicy
Skręcał na tor jak skręca się do baru
Żeby odpocząć
Żeby się zabawić
Poczuć krawędź
Zysk i strate
Strate i zysk
Przypominał sobie wtedy, że coś znaczy
Znaczy tak długo jak walczy
Bo mu zależy
Nie wie na czym
Ale to uczucie, że mu zależy
Znaczyło dla niego wszystko
Nie walczył bronią inną niż wzgarda dla śmierci
Grał all in
Nie na pokaz, nie brawurowo
Po prostu oddawał się sile, która go wzywała i była dla niego dobra
Innych rozmówców nie potrzebował
Lubił patrzeć prosto w twarz
I tak patrzył

piątek, 13 kwietnia 2018


Queen of Cups, Devil, World

Your relationship status will transition, Virgo. You are full of love, faith, and loyalty. You innately understand how to love. You enjoy spoiling your partners. Perhaps the person you are investing in right now is not as selfless. You deserve as good as you get. Sometimes we  become attached to the wrong people. You are beginning to feel, or are tired of feeling that your emotional needs are not being met. The end of the rope is a place of power for you. It’s time for endings and new beginnings. Be brave. The world is waiting for you. Choose happiness.

Romance Advice Card

Free Yourself: It’s time to take back control of your life.

It is one thing to study war and another to live the warrior's life

-The truly free individual is free only to the extent of his own self-mastery
-Individuals who are realized in their own lives almost never criticize others. If they speak at all, it's to offer encouragment.
-self-doubt is an ally. When you asking your friends am I really a writer, chances are you are.
-Fear tells us what we have to do
- Seeking support from friends and family is like having your people gathered around at your deathbed. It's nice but when the ship sails, all they can do is stand on the dock waving goodbye. Any support we get from persons of flesh and blood is like Monopoly money; it's not legal tender in that sphere where we have to do our work. In fact, the more energy we spend stoking up on support from colleagues and loved ones, the weaker we become and the less capable of handling our business
-Dream- when your deeper Self delivers a dream like that, don't talk about it. Don't dilute its power. The dream is for you. It's between you and your Muse. Shut up and use it
-The only exception is, you may share it with another comrade-in-arms, if sharing it will help or encourage that comrade in his or her own endeavors
a) you must know the difference between what is urgent and what is important, and (b) You must do what's important first. What's important is the work.
-The artist committing himself to his calling has volunteered for hell, whether he knows it or not. He will be dining for the duration on a diet of isolation, rejection,self-doubt,despair,ridicule,contempt, and humiliation. Because this is war baby, and war is hell.
-The amateur takes it so seriously, it paralyzes him
-The pro stands at one remove from her instrument- meaning her person, her body, her voice, her talent, the physical, mental, emotional, and psychological being she uses in her work. She does not identify with this instrument. It is simply what God gave her, , what she has to work with. She assesses it coolly,impersonally, objectivly. The professional identifies with ther consciousness and her will, not with the matter that her conscoiuseness and will manipulate to serve her art. Does Madonna walk around the house in cone bras and come-fuck-me bustries? She's too busy planning D-Day. madonna does not identify with Madonna. Madonna employs Madonna.
-Professional knows she can only be a professional at one thing. She gets an agent, lawyer, an accountant.
-Pro reinvent himself. The pro does not permit himself to become hidebound within one incarnation, however comfortable and successful. Like a transmigrating soul, he shucks his outworn body and dons a new one. He continues his journay.
-Myself.Inc If we think of Ourselves as a corporation , it gives us a healthy distance on ourselves. We're less subjective, we don't take blows as personally. Sometimes as Joe Blow himself, I'm too mild mannered t go out and sell. But as Joe Blow, Inc. I can pimp the hell out of myself. Im not me anymore. I'm Me, Inc.

wtorek, 10 kwietnia 2018


Become who you are by learning who you are (...) by planning and strategizing. Your interest must transcend the field itself and border on the religious.
For Einstein, it was not physics but a fascination with invisible forces that governed the universe; for Bergman, it was not film but the sensation of creating and animating life; for Coltrane, it was not music but giving voice to powerful emotions. These childhood attractions are hard to put into words and are more like sensations- that of deep wonder, sensual pleasure, power, and heightened awareness. Find a niche within your field. Do not dream or make grand plans for the future, concentrate on becoming proficient at these simple and immediate skills. This will bring you confidence and become a base from which you can expand to other pursuits.
Zdjęcie użytkownika Elodie Evers.

piątek, 6 kwietnia 2018

Tao and homosexuality

What goes with or against the Tao has nothing to do with the gender of your life partner. It has everything to do with our natural wish to manifest our highest, most loving and kindest selves.

“If I put a group of heterosexual people on an island, they will multiply and be fruitful. If I put I put a group of homosexuals there instead, they will die out. So which group is with the Tao and which is against? Isn’t it obvious?”

the Tao itself does not judge or condemn. The Tao is not human, nor is it a human-like deity, so it can never pass harsh judgements the way that some people do. It is more like natural laws that function without emotional attachments.

consider the basic truth that the spiritual is far greater than the biological for human beings. One simple example of this is the love between adoptive parents and adopted children. That love is just as real and powerful as anything else. The lack of a direct biological connection between them makes absolutely no difference at all.

The core point is that any relationship that succeeds has a healthy balance of energies. Too much aggression and partners will clash, unable to come to admirable conclusions to their conflicts. Too much passiveness and partners will become co-dependent, afraid to confront the other for fear of losing them. It is logically sound, then, to conclude that homosexual couples are no more prone to dysfunction than heterosexual couples. We know this because we know everyone has differing mixes of yin and yang. In fact, assigning yang to men and yin to women is merely gender conditioning at work.

One of the best measures I have found for discerning the depth of someone’s spirituality is their ability to laugh

