wtorek, 6 czerwca 2017

Whitehead, For me “the Other” is abstract and artificial. In reality, we are born into the context of the Multiple Other

I use the concept of “Multiple Other” to replace, ontologically and ethically, the concept of “the
Other” used by Levinas, Derrida and Deleuze. For me “the Other” is abstract and artificial. In
reality, we are born into the context of the Multiple Other, and at no time do we simply face
“the Other.” Keeping the concept of “Multiple Other” will justify a position that is
ontologically, ethically sound, and that is the basis of the good life.

Now, in the Whiteheadian sense, there is creativity wherever there is integration of many into one and the adding of a novel one to the many.

In Whitehead’s universe, Process is complemented by Pattern, which is pure potentiality (although
itself dynamic)

In any self-organizing system, one might say, Process is both the source and the result of Pattern, and this applies equally to language. Process is in general the passing on of feeling into expression, and feeling (or prehension) is the reception of expression (MT 23).

Change produces contradiction and contradiction causes change; constant change and contradiction imply that it is meaningless to discuss the individual part without considering its relationships with other parts and prior states.

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