sobota, 16 kwietnia 2022

Character - traits we love, have their price

So when it comes to contemplating your loved ones’ character, rather than wishing you could keep X and jettison Y, think of tolerating Y as the price you must pay to enjoy X.

People who are emotionally deep . . . tend to be prone to moodiness and depression. The fun . . . are frequently flaky. He who deals calmly with a crisis . . . often deals insensitively with feelings. She who is spontaneous in her leisure time . . . is apt to be disorganized in her professional life.

You like that a partner is adventurous . . . but balk at some of the risks they take. You like that they are attentive . . . but don’t appreciate their unrealistic demands for reciprocal regard. You like that they thirst for excitement . . . but not that they get a fix from rushing to be on time.

Bliskosc - do you want to deal with their dark character trait?

Fun - don't keep up with their chores, struggle to keep up with their responsibilities

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