poniedziałek, 15 czerwca 2020


So be aware of what happens inside you – the whole of you – and notice how it is reflected in the world around you. Nothing happens to you. You happen to you. Everything that you encounter, is yourself.

What are some of the challenges for the Manifestor? All of the other types have a decision-making strategy that is sourced or rooted in the external world. They have a strategy that is designed to wait for things to manifest in their outer reality. They can then confirm whether or not a certain opportunity is correct for them.

Manifestor inspiration comes from within, but because of that there can be some hesitancy and lack of clarity about what to do. Often, the Manifestor just has to do it. Only after the fact will they know whether it’s correct for them or not! It is important that the Manifestor maintain an inner connection with themselves or their higher power. A Manifestor must have a connection to an internal voice that’s bigger than them in order for them to have clarity for where they need to go, what to do next.

You get exactly what you give. Wherever you encounter resistance, it is a sign that you are resisting yourself. Because no one and nothing has the power to stop you – only you yourself can do that. The only one who can match Superman, is Superman himself. So by fighting yourself – you are creating a world of Supermen around you. You give everything around you the power to fight you. And they will.

But if you just inform, they will move right out of your way. In fact, they will be ready and happy to support you in every way you need.

All you need to do is to stop thinking the world is against you. There is no need to fight, there is no need to be angry. Once you learn to inform about every step of your way, you will move through life in utter peace, creating the reality you wish to see. And the impact you will have is unimaginable. Remember, you are a King, a Queen. You are here to do big things. You are here to accomplish all your dreams – and better!

Life Purpose:  Translate inspiration into form

Goal: Freedom to Create

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