piątek, 17 kwietnia 2020


Like religion is manufacturing meaning around something we agreed meant something
its a symbol to please gods

Most powerful brands today, brands as movements

Deliberate deffirantiation
How does it going to be different than anyones elses


How this brand can make differance in my life


Wrangler authenticism
Nike athletcism
apple design
amazon convenince
Google answers

show dont tell

People read colours then shapes then letters

How this thing gonna make a diffarnce in sb life

sobota, 11 kwietnia 2020

Self-care - not wanting to suffer

I remember one time I was at the playground and there were all these mothers with their kids and they were all laughing and interacting, and my son was off in a corner not interacting. I started going down the path of self-pity. You know, “why me, why me ...” But when I remembered common humanity, I had this very powerful experience where I remembered, wait a second, maybe these mothers are not dealing autism, but every single one of these mothers will have challenges with their child in some form or another. Maybe a mental health issue or a physical issue or maybe they'll have a very conflict-filled relationship. Once I had made the switch from “poor me” to “this is what motherhood's all about—we have challenges with our children and we love them anyway,” it really radically reframed how I related to my own emotional difficulty. It made it much more easy to cope.

“Life will bring you pain all by itself. Your responsibility is to create joy." Milton Erickson”
― Milton Erickson

Self esteem

Myki mieszkanie

PHILIPS HUE kolorowe zmienia sie telefonem

I don't divide the world into the weak and the strong, or the successes and the failures, those who make it or those who don't. I divide the world into learners and nonlearners.

How to deal?