czwartek, 19 września 2019

Art and human being

Great art vs being a monster as a human being

If making great art ever gave anyone a get out of jail free card for their monstrous failures as a human being I think those days are going away. Great artists help people look at their lives with fresh eyes and a sense of possibility. The purpose of being serious writer is too keep people from despair . When ppl read your work and as a result choose life then you are doing your job.

Quite simply:Art is supposed to make our lives better

Falling in love with my life


Your attention is one of the most valuable things you possess, which is why everyone wants to steal it from you. First you must protect it and then you must point it in the right direction. Attention is the most basic form of love. When you pay attention to your life, it not only provides you with the material for your art, it also helps you fall in love with your life

poniedziałek, 16 września 2019

radical forgiveness

The five stages are:
1. Stage 1: Tell the story (not literally, but by physically moving throughout the healing circle). In this step someone willingly and compassionately listens as we tell and own our story.
2. Stage 2: Feel the negative feelings of the story by giving yourself permission to feel your pain.
3. Stage 3: Collapse the story by withdrawing the energy from the story to release woundedness.
4. Stage 4: Reframe the story by changing the perspective to see the experience as essential to your growth.
5. Stage 5: Integrate the new story into the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies so it becomes a part of you at the cellular level.

Busy with unimportant nonsense