niedziela, 26 sierpnia 2018

Dwa rynki 1) Masy 2) 1% najbogatszych

Law #2 – Sell the Dream to the Masses: If you go down the masses route you’re going to sell them with the following tactics: 1) external motivation like Tony Robbins – “Unleash Your Inner Beast with This Product” or “Fire your Boss!”, 2) magic pills that will fix their life – “This solution has doctors hoping it will be banned!” (modafinil/provigil is one of the latest fads), 3) minimal work for sudden riches – “work from home and earn $100K tomorrow with no work!” and 4) celebrity endorsements – “XYZ celeb uses it!”. The theme here is that they are not responsible for their own actions and there is always some “hack” to getting what they want (without building any skills). When you’re selling to the masses do not put anything logical in the sales pitch. Keep it emotional and make sure your product works. Sure you can get away with bad products but that just leads to non-recurring income.
Law #3 – Sell the Prestige to the Rich: Get rich by selling them on the status of the item. The product can be largely the same but it needs to be *exclusive*. The best example is black and white balls and other such “filters” for rich people to go and meet. The cost is practically the same just sell those tickets for hundreds of dollars a piece! Another great example is the classic “bottle service” experience. No doubt about it that pricing alcohol 300% above its market value is going to be profitable. Notice, these can be done online, offer exclusive “packages” to people.

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