niedziela, 3 grudnia 2017

Biases in a workplace- make unconscious conscious

Hold everyone accountable. 

There is a way to make the unconscious conscious. However, it requires that you create an awareness around bias and hold everyone accountable.  First, let's take a look at a few of the biases that directly impact the workplace via UNC Kenan-Flagler's Program Director of Executive Development, Horace McCormick, Jr.: 

Affinity bias - The tendency to gravitate towards people who remind us of ourselves. 

Halo effect - The tendency to always see someone in a positive light because of their title or because you like them. 

Perception bias - The tendency to form stereotypes and assumptions about certain groups that make objective decision making impossible. 

Confirmation bias - The tendency for people to only seek out information that confirms their preexisting beliefs or assumptions. 

Group-think - The tendency for people to go along with the group rather than voicing their individual thoughts and beliefs. 

Alright, now that you're aware of the types of biases in the workplace, it's time to hold people accountable. On an individual basis, Google suggests that managers give themselves a moment before making a final decision. This "breather" gives them a chance to question their impressions and justify their rationale.

One of the easiest ways to force yourself into doing this is to write things down and to ask others for feedback before drawing any conclusions. 

On an organizational level, Google creates a bias-busting culture by providing awareness training, encouraging employees to call out potential bias issues, and suggesting that employees consider diverse perspectives and come to a collective decision. 

Diversity is a huge competitive advantage that will be stymied if organizations don't address unconscious bias in the workplace. 

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