wtorek, 1 sierpnia 2017

Very very well written Aquarius in North Node

What happens because of that? Well, we never really get the fulfillment of acting out this drama that we seek. Being the center of attention and trying to get everything and everyone to bend to our will is just going to make us feel empty. This has been a challenging yet interesting lesson for me because I have my Leo Sun conjunct my South Node. Therefore, I have identified (Sun) so much with being the Leo superstar that it’s been hard for me to realize how self-defeating that’s been. The Universe is set up to deny us our South Node, if we go to extremes with it. Now, I firmly believe that people should not “leave behind” their South Node. There are excellent things about the South Node. But, to access those more positive traits, you have to be balanced out by your North Node. Being the center of attention and trying to get everything and everyone to bend to our will is just going to make us feel empty.And it’s not exactly that you’re “learning” to be your North Node. It’s just that you are developing more conscious awareness of the North Node because it’s already in you. It develops through a constant dissatisfaction with your South Node.The South Node is like that job that gives you basic security but isn’t fulfilling. The North Node is like the job that you really want to do but might have pushed it to the back of your mind because it’ll take you out of your comfort zone.Aquarius North Node people have to be very humbled by life in order to access this part of themselves. After a lifetime of pursuing the superstar role, of trying to be widely adored, of attempting to find that life-defining passion with someone else, we will still come up short somehow. Maybe we don’t find that fame or recognition we searched for.These situations will be painful but they will break down our ego and allow us to develop the ability to care less and less about being fabulous and loved. The more Aquarius North Node is denied the amazing lifestyle that they crave so much, the more they will be able to get in touch with their free-spirited nature and let go of what people thinkSo, the higher self of someone with their North Node in Aquarius is capable of not being in it for themselves. When that glorious fame or magical love doesn’t come to us, we master the art of healthy detachment. When people with this placement are in this mode of thinking, they can truly blow wherever the wind takes them. We have a habit of wanting what we want and when we want it, which is what can make us so demanding or spoiled. But, getting in touch with our inner detachment allows us to release what we want. And when we do, greater things end up coming back to us. Therefore, our truest soul-expression allows us to see that life is random and unpredictable. We cannot script it or control it. We just have to have a high tolerance for the chaos.Aquarius North Node people also rise above their self-obsession when they stop worrying about their “celebrity.” But, when we evolve and consciously express our Aquarius North Node, other people’s approval becomes much less important.We have the acceptance and love that really matters: the self-love of our South Node in Leo developing that true self-confidence makes us want to make other people the superstars. Our fame stops being important to us. Instead, we want to shine a spotlight on what makes other people special. In our less evolved mode, we constantly hit a wall when we try to make our specialness so visible and known. But, through that process, we unconsciously develop the ability to notice what’s wonderful about the people around us and why they’re getting the recognition that we’re not. As a result, the conscious Aquarius North Node is there to applaud others, to show each and everyone that they are a individual worth recognition in their own right. The ego is being transcended, in this stage. We already know we’re special and important. Now, we’re egalitarians, wanting others to know that they have something special and important to offer, as well.This focus on other people is very important for the Aquarius North Node’s spiritual development. It also helps to focus on higher ideals and causes. Whenever we’re in something just for our own fulfillment, it’s not going to get anywhere. So, with this North Node, your greatest potential comes from being able to contribute something important to society and this world. You must stretch yourself beyond concerns of the self and become focused on concerns of the collective. Are you opening people’s minds? Are you introducing and developing interesting concepts and meaningful projects? Are you helping to change the world around you? This is where your spiritual growth lies. You can no longer be solely concerned with how something in the world affects only you. It’s not just your world anymore. It’s everyone’s world and you just live in it
North Node in Aquarius people find their true success in being innovative, championing causes, promoting projects, and/or working outside of the mainstream. When you go against the grain, you express your true soul nature. Aquarius North Node individuals are rebels and nonconformists at a soul level. So, you have to allow yourself to go crazy or get weird, without worrying about the response from your “audience.” Your higher self is independent-minded and sort of eccentric, not caring too much what people think. After all, this free-thinking gives you the space to do the innovation and experimentation that you need to do. When you take true charge of yourself via your Leo South Node, without seeking others’ approval, no one will really be able to influence you. And as a result of owning yourself so strongly, you can give other people the freedom to totally be whoever they want to be, within rational limits, and not judge them for it
Therefore, you’re capable of effortlessly reeling your audience in, no matter how crazy or unusual your presentation is. You know how to command a crowd and have people eating out of your palm. But, at this stage, you’ll be doing it for something beyond the self
Our soul is tired of the unfulfilling focus on our love life, our clothes, our favorite celebrities, our best attributes, etc. We have to move beyond superficial preoccupations. There is a real genius inside of the soul of every Aquarius North Node. We have to develop this potential, charging up our brainpower with exciting, fascinating, and out-there subjects.
The more we focus on these things beyond the self, the less of a yearning for drama we will have. It’s not to say that we will no longer be dramatic. There will always be a drama queen or drama king inside of those with this placement because of our South Node in Leo. But, we need to be able to objectively use this dramatic flair. 
Maybe the outlet for our drama comes from acting, writing, or singing. Maybe it’s through being able to present things to people in entertaining, colorful ways. And when we need to entertain, we absolutely entertain. But, balance with these Nodes comes from being able to use our dramatic side in an impersonal way, snapping into being highly emotional or the center of attention, when needed creatively, and then snapping right back out of it.
The people in our personal lives will be thankful, as it really allows us to chill out. Yet, those with an Aquarius North Node are amazingly chill individuals, even though we’re really crazy, at the same time. But, we must be quirky-crazy, not exhausting-crazy. When we get rid of unnecessary drama, we realize how much better we feel when we keep a cooler head. This also allows us to stop being such love-struck schoolboys and schoolgirls all the time
But, that side gets balanced by a cool confidence that not only takes the pressure off of our lover but makes us more attractive to them
As much as we want to be in love and be passionately connected, we have to detach somewhat. Having the North Node in Aquarius means that you cannot base your fulfillment on who you fall in love with. This makes you unbalanced and will keep them from ever really satisfying you. Instead, you have to find your satisfaction through projects, ideals, and causes that keep you engaged with the greater world. When you do, your love life will actually become more satisfying. People with an Aquarius North Node have the soul of a mad scientist, always tinkering away at one experiment or another. And you must remember that you cannot and should not control the results. It’s very easy to try to have your way all the time, with this placement. But, you should be willing to just let things happen. Just see where things go, without some expectation of what should happen. When you creatively and brilliantly live in the chaos, your free spirit within will flourish.

"North Node in Aquarius, [is] a visionary for humanity. It values friendship, is inventive, and dedicated to serving society as whole. This may mean as a social activist, an intellectual, or a scientist whose passion is channeled for the greater good. You are to be a model for all that is new and progressive, and part of your life may be spent active in groups that desire to bring about change."

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