niedziela, 19 lutego 2017

Here and there you meet someone who put you back on the track

-You think to inherit something is to get a gift. No, no, no. Your parents buy your dependency upon them. They will expect obedience from you. They will not ask, they will expect, they will await and they would not understand why you rebel when you are already adult guy

-in Evolutionary Theory, it is not the strongest who will survive, but the one who has highest adaptability skills

-I don't have to experience everything, don't have to put my finger into the fire to realize it is too hot, maybe some people have to, I don't

-chauvinism puts women in a very comfortable position, it's about not giving them responsibility and control, it's like you cannot be angry at a dog when shits in a room, beacause YOU haven't taught the puppy not to do so


- means whatever happens you are responsible for it
-to be a good worker you need to take away the work from your principal
-in football, during talents scouting, they look at skills, but to the same degree they look at the determination, who comes first to the training, who leaves last, and who is concentrated on work in non-work contexts
-If you read everything and you want to do everything you only lengthen the way towards the first step in something particular. You create a long road in your head full of haze, which cannot be applicable to anything. If you don't have basics in something you will never succeed in it.

-if you have only theory on the subject, no practice, all you do is mental masturbation

-think of 3 steps way:

1. locate the problem
2.find resolutions

1 and 2 is nothing, is for self-cheaters, for losers, step 3 is the only step which tells you something

-it is embarrassing when someone shares something, which he/she has learned from books, this person knows shit, didn't even get to 3rd step, not worth listening at all

- the ultimate power in life is to be completely self-reliant, completely yourself

Good luck

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