wtorek, 8 listopada 2016

Men and Woman through hisotry

" We know very little about woman. In the first place, it was man who invented "the soul". Man was the philosopher and the psychologist, the historian and the biographer. Woman could only accept man's classifications and interpretations. The woman who playes important roles thought like men, and wrote like men. It was only while delving into the subconscious that we began to understand that the feminine way of acting, womans motivations, more often came from the mixture of intuition, instinct, personal experience,personal relation to all things, which men deny having. It was through psychology that we discovered that man's illusion about his objectivity was a fiction, a fiction he needed to believe in. The most objective systems of thought can be exposed as having a subjective base. Now, the way a woman feels is closer to three forms of life: the child, the artist, the primitive. They act by their instant vision, feeling, and instinct. They remained in touch with that mysterious region we are now opening up. They were inarticulate except in terms of symbols, through dreams and myths"

O Psychoanalizie
"I do not believe in spending too much time exploring the past, delving into it. I believe neurosis is like a virulent abscess, or infection. It has to be attacked powerfully in the present. Of course, the origin of the illness may be in the past, but the virulent crisis must be dynamically tackled. I believe in attacking the core of the illness, through its present symptoms, quickly, directly. The past is a labyrinth. One does not have to step into it and move step by step through every turn and twist. The past reveals itself instantly, in today's fever or abscess of the soul"

Dr Otto Rank, znalezione w Anais Nin 'Diaries 1931-1934'

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