piątek, 16 lutego 2024

Life task - here and now humanitarian action

 When they see themselves as channels for knowledge to flow through, it frees them enormously because they don’t have to be “right.” It also frees them from the vulnerability of needing approval from others. When they realize that they’re just “picking up” free-floating ideas and bringing them through, then whether other people approve or not isn’t a factor.

But by focusing so much on themselves, they inadvertently deplete their natural self-confidence. If they continually worry about how they appear to others and need a certain amount of approval to be happy, the balance is very fragile. They are under constant pressure to present an image they think is required for the positive feedback they think they need.

These folks are much better off when they respond authentically from who they really are—and then see how the other person responds and whether or not they approve of the other person. When they interact honestly with another person, the other’s response will show them whether they want to spend time with that person. This is a stronger, healthier position for the Aquarius North Node person.

They must stop thinking how glorious they are and consciously remind themselves: “Okay, I don’t know if I’m going to win or lose, but I think maybe I could help others have a positive experience.” This will allow them to re-establish a balanced perspective.

When there is not a fantasy attached to their present circumstances, they always know what to do to succeed. Luckily Aquarius North Node people have plenty of will and mental discipline, because it takes every ounce of both to keep their minds from wandering into the dimension of fantasy and delusions of grandeur that block action in the here and now.

To ensure success, these folks always have to be aware of their intent. When they allow the motive of self-aggrandizement to take the upper hand, it immediately drains the energy they need to succeed. For example, if they want to help people by starting a meditation group, they need to stay focused on their altruistic motives. In this way they will have the energy, clarity, and joy required to manifest the idea.

However, sometimes they allow themselves to think of personal gain or loss: “Gosh, maybe I’ll become a guru and people will begin following me,” or “I wonder what my professional peers will think if they find out I’m into meditation.” Either way, as soon as they allow themselves to think of personal gain or loss, all the energy for accomplishment begins to dissipate and they end up doing nothing.

Also, involvement with ego interferes with their vision to such an extent that they may overlook what people actually need from them. This limits their success. But when their conscious motive is 100 percent altruistic, they will tune in to the specific help needed on the planet at a given time in a given situation. Once they truly see an existing need and respond to it from a place of nonego, they reap success and fame.

In this lifetime they are learning to receive love. If they push with their will and get it, generally they aren’t happy with it. They are learning that if life brings it to them, it is right for them at that time and they can enjoy it. Their greatest pleasure comes from experiencing with awe and gratitude the bounty of the Flow.

The native won’t be disappointed because she is simply observing who the other person is without any expectations. Then she can tune in to how the other person’s behavior affects her. Rather than trying to change people, she can decide who she feels good spending time with.