niedziela, 11 kwietnia 2021

Writing vurnerability - strengthens significance

Writing and becoming more vulnerable (read: not trying to always show my perfect self) helped me understand that I didn’t need any outside influences to prove to myself that I was significant. I just had to have an honest conversation with myself and let go of things from my past.

 I don’t know about you, but I hate being introspective. It’s never easy and I often have to swallow my pride. But truthfully, writing about my personal issues was incredibly cathartic.

Basic human need Significance

 such as being recognized at work for doing an incredible job 

 feeling special in the eyes of your partner for your valuable contributions to the relationship.

Think about what your strengths are: What do you contribute to the world that no one else can? How do you approach situations in a unique way?

poniedziałek, 5 kwietnia 2021