poniedziałek, 12 października 2020

Learning / What to learn?

 So if you want to start an e-commerce business you should probably learn the following: 

how to set up a server/website, 

how to mimic the design of a brand that has been successful, 

how to build a social media profile – for profit and of course 

how to run and make advertisements

If you have a basic service that you can offer, the website design won’t matter much. You’ll have a decent number of customers through your own word of mouth. Promote your website on other forums on the internet after establishing yourself as a trusted source.

everything should be focused on earning more. You shouldn’t focus on “learning” as you will end up going down the rabbit hole of meaningless factoids that are not applicable. The way to focus on earning is by aligning everything you do to either 1) building a reputation or 2) generating a profit.

Another good example of earning is what you do with your free time. If you’re on social media and it is not making you money, it’s time to shut it down. Unless you’re already rich, why do you have the time to troll the internet with $0 of income associated with the activity? It makes no sense. This is a structural lack of priorities.

By forcing social media to make you money, you will also follow different accounts. You’re not going to follow celebrities or athletes. You will follow accounts related to your niche/sector which only makes you more informed on important changes in the industry. Use social media a tool to get ahead, not a tool for entertainment. Most choose the latter.