wtorek, 21 marca 2017

Day of different fields and levels connections

Whenever I think of energy it's very energetic day, energy is never wrong. The constant tension generated through +/- tensions keep you in a flow state, you moving by not only by your own powers but by a floating field, you feel alive, constant communication full of meaning and unbelievable synchronicity of two separate elements which endure in an awe state due to its ongoing state of self-produced independent energy.

Marianna and Massimo (one of the closest ppl I am with, in Berlin, open relationship couple interested in masks, theater, satire)--connected with-->trickster figure (responsible for connection of heaven and hell, of bringing inversion to an order as at medieval carnavals and of connecting civilised man with his animalistic forces in his psyche, his goal is not to be civilised by daytime and animalistic in the night <work hard, party hard> but being in the middle of those minute by minute, an example 7:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7yb_YKSzQE- new life and pleasure of cutting a piece of meat --connected with--> Batman Elektronik (well known in Berlin craftsman, street educated, who is about to build his own electricity generator machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qrw6Xj5a0nM, <fundaments are magnets, so +/- tension> and with this machine in his hands, willing to sue the german government of blocking this patent from public recognition)--in a small dose--> Dave, guy I am (hope not for long) living in an  apartmant, who is also about to build his machine, willing to cooperate with Batman and help him organize ELECTRONIC REVOLUTION--in a very small dose--> My father Janusz, who was educated in electronics

All this now I have to connect with Praktikum about (game and labor) and Masterthesis about being alive

sobota, 18 marca 2017

But faith is different from worship

Never ending love didn't create the world, Universe is not One Eternal Love

a) diversity exist, in every moment I prefer this over that. I was born with a sexual drive which is the power of selection
b) shit exists, you do evil, as a kid cruelty towards animals gave you pleasure, you harm others on a regular basis when they, for example, bore you. What is more, good needs evil, a virtue lives on a vice, as Leibniz said "if there would be no evil, God would not exist" so just obeying 10 commandments is not in accord with the Universe. With only good citizens there would be no good anymore, as there would be no distinction, between good and evil.
c) when you are in the process of considering abstract never ending love, there is no place for passion, emotions, laughter, awe, curiosity, fascination, bodily feelings of cold and warmth, basically nothing of earth's (created by God) constituents.

Don't take me wrong, I am not saying that there is no need in us for never ending love, it's the strongest need. And nobody is an atheist while falling down from a high building. I just let myself make an observation, that making an assumption (as big religions do) that the world is nothing more nothing less than what we need put to sleep your cravings and suddenly working hard, eating, sleeping and looping your mind with prayes is the best possible lifestyle. Fun? What are you talking about? Could you elaborate on it

“Fiction is one of the few experiences where loneliness can be both confronted and relieved. Drugs, movies where stuff blows up, loud parties -- all these chase away loneliness by making me forget my name's Dave and I live in a one-by-one box of bone no other party can penetrate or know. Fiction, poetry, music, really deep serious sex, and, in various ways, religion -- these are the places (for me) where loneliness is countenanced (znosić,przyzwalać), stared down (zmusić do odwrócenia wzroku), transfigured (przeobrażona), treated.”

Religion in what ways? Being in a place with pointy roof where you and some of the folks around focus all available energy on never ending love, how does it feel?

wtorek, 7 marca 2017

The form of life coaching described in this book won’t lead the reader to social recognition or financial success. If one of the two occurs after reading this text, it is a coincidence. This book aims to expose the owners of an innocent heart to reality’s true structures and to utilize them for spiritual growth so their soul and body evaporate into the abstract.